I can share with you all the things I’ve learned, not only during my quiet times with God, but also other lessons God is teaching me everyday

Keywords: blog , blogger , christianity , faith , hope , love

I’m a Christian and my relationship with God is something that I value immensely. When I started this blog, it was quite the opposite. Back in 2018, I struggled a lot with my faith. I questioned it, I felt constrained by it, bored by it and sometimes angered by it. At one point, I told my mum that I sometimes didn’t want to call myself a Christian anymore.


who am i? who are you?

blog, lifestyle, love, diversity, different, identity, personality, roles

kelsey elmer

identity: the distinguishing character or personality of a person.

much like the changing of leaves in the fall, i believe that a person’s identity is the same. the tree trunk is a foundation – planted as a young seed or sapling – growing and maturing as the years pass, but never really changing or disappearing. each year, leaves grow, flourish, change color, fall, and bud to start again.

there are some titles and qualities that are innate and unwavering from the day we are born. there are others that are molded by the experiences & people & choices we make throughout our lives. some stay forever, some come and go.

the journey to becoming who i am today has been full of twists and turns, peaks and valleys, good and bad decisions, impulse, planning, spontaneity, peer pressure.

at 24, i’m still not 100% positive i know who i am. i…

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